The Law: A Photographer’s Artistic Freedom versus an Individual's Right to Privacy

Bruce Gilden.

Whenever we get to the New York street photographers (Robert Frank, Gary Winogrand, et al) in my History of Photography course, a discussion about taking pictures of people without asking their permission always ensues. This article below, from the Blouin Art Info website, is based on American law, but I don't think Canadian law differs much on this matter — if it's for art, your mug is fair game.

A Photographer's Artistic Freedom versus an Individual's Right to Privacy

I chose a photograph by Bruce Gilden because he has such an in-your-face style of photographing, and he certainly doesn't ask for anyone's permission before he snaps the shutter.  Check out the clip below to see how he works. Goddess forbid that I should ever end up in one of his photos, even if it is for the cause of art!

WNYC Street Shots: Bruce Gilden